Kickoff of the 2024 Vinatex’s Training Program: Focused Training and Key Content

Internal training not only enhances capacities, and equips knowledge and skills for the workforce of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group and its member units, but more importantly, internal training has created a learning culture, a common cultural beauty of Vinatex in the development journey, where people are the “center”.

The Initial Foundations

Internal training has been implemented by Vinatex annually, right from its establishment. Initially, there were classes for management staff, technical staff, line managers, etc. However, the most noticeable change is the specialized training courses implemented on the whole Group in 2022-2023. The training content is based on a survey of the units’ training needs and the Group’s assessment. After each course, there is a survey to assess the quality of training and the training needs for the next stage to adjust, build, and compile documents that are close to practical needs.

In 2022, the Middle-level Management Training program for 341 trainees took place over 11 weeks. Lecturers came from Hanoi University of Science and Technology and Hanoi Industrial Textile Garment University with training content on the global textile garment overview, position, opportunities, and challenges of Vietnamese textiles in the global supply chain. In addition, the trainees were also trained in: Strategic Management; Financial and Accounting Management; Financial Management in Enterprises; Production Management; Marketing; Risk Management; and Soft Skills.

Following the success of the Middle-level Management Training program, the Vinatex Young Talent Training program was implemented with 2 semesters: semester 1 was organized in 6 months (2022), semester 2 was in 3 months (2023), with the participation of 152 trainees from the Group’s Office and member units. The program provided not only skill training (Agile, thinking methods, problem-solving, management, etc.) but also in-depth knowledge with modules on the global textile garment market, business management, human resources management, finance, production management (yarn, sewing), corporate culture, and internal communication…


At the end of 2022, the Senior Management Training program, with 53 trainees who are leaders of the Group’s functional departments and leaders of enterprises, was organized for 2 weeks. In addition to equipping knowledge and theory on development strategy, Group organizational model; Global textile garment market, position of Vietnamese textiles in the supply chain; Internal regulations; Corporate finance; Legal regulations for joint stock companies and companies listed on the stock exchange; Soft skills, etc. trainees are also trained in depth in practice at Hoa Tho JSC and HUEGATEX, the leading units in the Central region of Vinatex. The training program is designed to be highly applied and practical in: Production management at factories; Order, Customer, Cost management; Human resource management, and Building corporate culture, etc.

A notable point is that the courses have contributed to the formation of a team of internal lecturers to help the Group’s Office and member units continue to implement training programs at each unit, such as the 2023 internal training program, the Agile training program, etc. In addition, the Group’s Share Representative Conferences, the Finance – Accounting – Audit Conferences, and the Vinatex Human Resources Conference, etc. all combine specialized internal training programs on human resources, finance, and accounting, with the participation of key staff and Vinatex’s capital representatives at the enterprises.

To make internal training a corporate culture

In 2024, to continue to permeate the culture of “self-study, self-improvement”, Vinatex continues to implement specialized training with training modules including Investment project management and Procurement training; Legislation training; Finance and accounting training; Yarn sector production management training; Senior management training in business administration; Vinatex Young Talent Training – semester 3. In addition to in-depth knowledge of professional expertise and advanced management knowledge, the teaching plan will be designed to solve the major problems in each enterprise, thereby helping trainees practice and apply the knowledge to business operations.

The program will have the participation of lecturers and trainers from the investment field of the Ministry of Construction, Hanoi Law University, together with the knowledge and practical experience from the Group’s leaders and experts.

Mr. Cao Huu Hieu, General Director of Vinatex, stated that over the past three years, especially during the phase of 2022-2023, Vinatex has built a vibrant learning culture, equipping participants with knowledge and skills in management and advanced technology on the world. The training programs have also developed an internal instructor team within the units and the Group, capable of teaching and sharing their experiences and knowledge with colleagues. The 2024 training program is built on the basic knowledge of previous courses, focusing on in-depth knowledge in three key areas: investment procurement, legal affairs, and financial accounting

The General Director expressed his desire for unit leaders to create conditions and environments for participants to maximize their abilities, continue discovering, and improve future generations to participate in Vinatex’s training programs. Additionally, participants in the courses need to focus, contribute ideas, and engage with instructors to build a vibrant, effective, and practical learning environment suited to the production conditions of each enterprise, gradually building a beautiful learning culture at Vinatex.

The 2024 Vinatex’s Training Programs


Time: 2024 July 4 – 2024 July 26

Instructor: Experts in the field of investment from the Ministry of Construction/Leaders of the Investment and Development Department of Vinatex


Regulations related to investment activities and project management (Investment Law, Bidding Law, Project Management, Cost Management, and Quality Management)

Developing detailed feasibility reports – Investment in Yarn Factory

Developing detailed feasibility reports – Investment in Garment Factory

Procedures for managing construction investment projects

Cost Management, Quality Management of projects

Supervision and evaluation of investment activities

Guidelines for procedures and regulations on bidding


Time: 2024 August 1 – 2024 August 16

Instructors: Lecturers from Hanoi Law University / Leaders and specialists from Vinatex Legal Affairs Department


Policies and laws (Enterprise Law, tax policies, Securities Law, listing regulations, Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, charters, corporate governance regulations, etc.)

How to effectively apply legal regulations in business activities

Building a system of regulations and rules suitable for the business model


Time: 2024 August 22 – 2024 September 6

Instructors: Internal instructors


Basics of financial statements

Identifying issues through financial statements

Measurement systems and analysis indicators

Practical financial statement analysis


Time: August – September 2024

Instructors: Experts in the Yarn sector


Cost management

Production management by stages

Risk management


Time: October 2024

Instructors: Group leaders


Identifying and expanding efficient production management models through the analysis of examples from the Yarn and Garment sectors

Identifying and forecasting market trends for 2025

Business solutions for the last months of 2024 and planning for 2025



Assessing and classifying students, grouping students by specialization

Specialized training according to subjects

Managing students after training at the unit level

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